Saturday, August 27, 2011

Where has the year gone?

I feel like we were just ringing in the new year at J and Athena's wedding, and here we are saying bye to the summer! I turned 30 in February, we bought a house in April, weaned Isaac from the boob, and congratulated Mark on a HUGE promotion that same month. My niece was born, we moved my dad to Campbell, I chopped my hair against Mark's will (although he LOVES it now), and in the middle of it all, I committed to a pregnancy pack to start working on baby number 2. Did I mention Mark got promoted, so we are both traveling for work now, and this fall I'm headed to Anchorage and Chicago (the same week)? Good times!

Let's get back to that baby number two mention. Athena and I go way back - back to 2003 – the same year she hired me at Ernst & Young. We’ve laughed together, cried together, even traveled to Italy together. Hell, she even helped me figure out the most advantageous seating arrangements for our single friends at our wedding reception, which led to the introduction of her soul mate...yes, the same J and Athena I mentioned a minute ago.

They have a beautiful little girl named Kayla who is a year older than Isaac - almost to the day. And frankly, Ms. Kayla is one of the reasons Mark and I ventured into baby making season in 2009. I couldn’t think of a better friend to head down this path with again. And, I will leave it at that for now...