Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pretty sure we’re stickin with two! So you think the man upstairs says…

Baby fever was certainly starting to set in, but could you blame me? Three of my closest girlfriends, including my longest childhood friend were all expecting. Let's not forget my sister in law and former marketing coordinator both had buns in the oven – due within weeks of each other. And I actually liked being pregnant with the first two – maybe we were meant to have more? Fortunately my common sense thread woke up and I was back on track with sticking with two. So I thought...

I had completely talked myself out of it. Not so much that Mark was off to get a little snip snip, but hell – my mind was made up. We were blessed with two beautiful healthy kids and I was enjoying being a true size 6! We even started talking about a trip to Costa Rica later this year and with the new job I just took– along with my recent nomination to become the MHDA President (which yes – Mark thought I was crazy to accept), aint no time for newborns. And then there was that night…

That damn Makers Mark and post business trip lovin’! But we don’t make stupid mistakes like this! I’m a planner for God’s sake! And with the first two we were actually trying – and we survived the other 10 years with each other making sure we didn’t have an oops moments. Could this really be freaking happening?! Now the waiting game…oh monthly visit from the red river – where are you????