Friday, August 9, 2013

The Milk Factory is Officially CLOSED

Well, they are finally mine again – yes, the all-powerful nee-nee will no longer be a means of nutrition, soothing support, nap shortcut, or airplane take-off crutch. As of Monday, August 5 – the milk factory officially closed for vacation...and doesn’t plan on coming back! Which means, baby #3 is looking less and less likely (which I’m totally OK with), but that horrible monthly beast is BACK. How is it that carrying a baby (in the womb) is more comfortable than the miserable cramps that paid me a visit this week?! Oh, what us woman go through – and see, that’s why I feel no guilt having an occasional ladies night, or sleeping in Saturday morning while Mark is watching Bubble Guppies with the kids. It’s all about balance, right?! And, accepting the fact, life (as we once knew it) is never “fair” – once you are blessed with the title, MOM!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Bad Mommy...

How is it possible that someone so young can make his way under my skin so bad that I completely SNAP! Oh, yeah - a 3 1/2 year old can. Everyone talks about the terrible 2's - ha, two's nothing compared to the little stinkers they can become once they hit three. But, the worst part - when we let them WIN! And, that's exactly what happened the other night. Isaac pushed the last button - the motherboard breaker that activated a screaming mommy who was done with the back and forth conversation that was going nowhere painfully slow, and it was clear – I needed to walk away. But of course, not before screaming God Dangit (but the real thing, which is SOOOO not me!) – G-O T-O B-E-D! Accompanied by me storming out – slamming the door shut behind me. Not my proudest moment! I made it downstairs, but turned right back around - obviously feeling horrible about what I'd just done. So, what's the rational thing to do next, of course, crawl in bed with him, sobbing I'm sorry - mommy had a really rough day - please forgive me. For him to reply with, I wish you didn't have to go to work in the morning. Are you kidding me?! Brutal. I felt the crappiest I've ever felt as a my whole 3 1/2 years - LOL. But in all seriousness - it was a low moment, but dangit, you need to listen to mommy! And that's what I also made sure to say. And, not that I'll make a general practice of hollering GD, and risk waking up the other kid, along with feeling like shit, he's been somewhat less of a stinker these past two days! TGIF!