Thursday, June 24, 2010

My First “Call” at Work – It was bound to happen eventually

I’ve been back to work for almost three months now and the extent of my interaction with my mom (a.k.a., Isaac’s nanny) is picture mail and the occasional text message checking on my boy’s eating habits for the day (still gotta make sure our frozen milk supply is solid!). Well, when my cell phone rang and the voice on the other end says, “there was a small incident,” my heart sank, and a flurry of emotions that I had never experienced poured over me. I instantly felt a rock in my gut that weighed more than I did 2 days before delivering Isaac – a feeling I would never wish upon my worst enemy.

“OMG, what’s wrong?” My mom's reply, "Isaac got stung by a little bee." Now, you’re probably thinking, OK, not great news, but not worth putting me in panic mode as though my son was just abducted, but for someone who is allergic to bee stings, and looks like they’ve been in a ring with Tyson post-sting – I was ready to lose it! My mom, God bless her heart, stayed calm (at least that was the tone coming through on the phone), and my expecting sister, who has been a “mom” for some years now, not to mention has ALWAYS been very maternal – way more than me, was there to help with the situation.

Here’s what happened...Grandma and Isaac were on a little stroll around the block with Auntie Tiffers. Isaac who loves walks (has since he was in the womb) belted out a whimper and not 2 seconds later a bee flies out from behind the wind guard of the stroller. Isaac, the stud that he is, whacked the thing away from his face – I only know this because Tiffany found the mini stinger on his chin and the actual sting mark was above his eyebrow. He obviously let that bee know who was boss! Grandma immediately called me to let me know what had happened, meanwhile they made a beeline (no pun intended) back to Tiffany’s house, so they could jump in the car and head straight to the doctor...

Well, actually Target, because by then I had already spoken to Isaac’s pediatrician’s office, and even though I am allergic to bee stings, chances are, Isaac isn’t, and all he needed was a dose of baby Benadryl, and a cold compress. Phew... the stinger was completely out of sight, the medicine kicked in immediately, and for the rest of the afternoon I received pictures of his cute little face and the shrinking red spot above his beautiful blue eye.

I’ll tell you though, it was the first day in a long time that I wanted to cry that I’m not a stay-at-home mom, and if you’ve followed my blog at all, you would know that I love my career, but not being able to help him in the situation, even as minor as a little sting, broke my heart. Needless to say, the past two nights I’ve been soaking in every bit of him from the moment I walk through the door after work – until he’s asleep in my arms (pre-transport to the crib).

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