Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our final four-day weekend as a family of two

It was November in Northern California and with the baby due in 2 short weeks, we thought it would be best to decline offers to spend Thanksgiving with our families, and opted to have a nice quiet evening at home. Mark and I had just completed our first Thanksgiving meal - that is the first one WE actually cooked. We had a feast with all the trimmings; turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, bread rolls, apple pie, and yes, a lovely glass of our dear friend's wine - EmmaLilly. It was also the first and only glass of wine I drank since finding out I was pregnant back in April 2009, and boy did I enjoy it! We ate like royalty, but the spread was a bit amusing, given the fact it was just the two of us, yes two, it's a myth to think I was eating for two alone! Although the leftovers were amazing.

Thursday came and went, and thank God it was a four day weekend, but how timely, I was working on a proposal with a partner who was in trial, and a CFO who is more than committed to the Firm. So like any (crazy) employee, I agreed to take a conference call that Saturday to get the ball rolling on finalizing this proposal before my due date. Looking back, I truly believe God knew all along that Isaac was going to arrive early, because He knew those two weeks of work following Thanksgiving, leading up to my due date, would have put me over the edge! Saturday's call was productive, but annoying at the same time. This was a holiday weekend for God's sake, but hey, no one can ever question my commitment to work, or could think for a second I slacked off or checked out during my pregnancy.

The entire pregnancy I felt pretty darn good. Exercised the entire time, kept running until the 5th month, then resorted to daily walks and lovin' from the hubby; and every now and again, I'd mix in a few prego workouts my girlfriend Ana gave me. But Saturday night that changed. I can't explain it other than I just felt off, and for the first time I threw the prego card and bailed on my Women's Fantasy Football mid-season party.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling a little better, but still not my normal self. We skipped on church to sleep in, and by noon, my brother-in-law was at our house ready for Niner Football. Not feeling the greatest, but wanting to get my daily walk in, I took a stroll to our local Safeway to pick up a few things for our football game lunch spread. I'll have to post pictures because when I say I was huge, you have no idea until you've seen the pictures! I even had an older gentleman in the produce department make a comment, "mom - should you really be out right now?" I just chuckled and told him he sounded like my husband.

Needless to say, that final walk to and from Safeway was just what the doctor ordered to get baby in position to meet his parents! That night before we went to bed, I told Mark to make sure his bag was packed – just in case. I had mine packed for a few weeks by then, but I just had a weird feeling – maybe tonight was the night!

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